Saturday, June 9, 2007

Make Your Single Life Sensational

“There is a ‘right way’ and a ‘wrong way’ to pursue happiness when you’re single. I’ve seen this happen over and over again
with my friends, and I have made the same mistake myself...”
author Karin J. MacKenzie

“Every young woman should read this book.”
-- Dr. R.C. Gilkie, Halifax, N.S.

At last. A book for women that goes beyond the traditional dating manual advice and offers simple, key steps to creating a great life filled with friendships, romance and joy!

Only $19.95 - Order Here!

A terrific life can be yours for the asking

Dear friend,

If you’re single, chances are you’re trying to ‘correct’ that status and find someone special with whom to spend your life. Maybe you’ve been dating casually without spectacular results. Perhaps your social life could use a boost.

If you’ve been out there looking for ‘the one’, I hate to break the news that you’ve probably been making a lot of classic mistakes that are actually repelling romance and keeping your single life flat, rather than fabulous. My new book has a proven blueprint for success that will quickly show you how to transform yourself into a vital, attractive woman with new friends and new hobbies, and attract more romantic attention toward yourself. Get ready to live the life you’ve always wanted, and be happier than you ever imagined!

Karin J. MacKenzie

Friday, June 8, 2007

Becoming Irresistible to Men

Bring More Love... More Romance...
More Passion into Your Relationship
Learn How to Drive Your Man Wild

"Now You Can Make Men Want You...

Make Men Love You...

Make Men Enslaved by Desire For You!"

Every Woman's Guide to
Becoming Irresistible to Men

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Romantic Proposals

Guys, once you have attracted that wonderful girl of your dreams into your life.  Propose to her in a wonderful romantic way.  Did you know that when asked, 80% of women, were disappointed with how their special guy proposed to them.  Make sure that when you ask that special lady in your life to be your wife, that you do it in the most romantic way! 

Marriage Proposal Ideas  

"Ironically, most of the disappointed fiancees said that their beloved had spent over $300 on the marriage proposal (not counting the ring.) So it is obvious that limos and fancy dinners aren't what makes a proposal romantic and memorable.

If you are thinking of getting engaged, you probably want to do it right. You want it to be amazingly special. Something she or he will want to share with everyone.

Michael Webb is one of the world's leading experts on romance. He is often asked for advice on putting together an out of this world marriage proposal. He's  got a number of tips to share with you. Here's the first one.

Marriage proposals don't have to cost a fortune. In fact, the best ones usually don't.

Michael ran a contest recently, searching for the world's most romantic proposal stories. Hundreds of newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations announced it. Over 7,300 entries poured in from around the world - 9% of the proposals were by females (yes, it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to pop the question - in fact, guys are really flattered when that happens).

You know what?

The grand prize winning marriage proposal cost the guy less than $20."

Monday, June 4, 2007

You want to know a SECRET??

Well the secret law of attraction really isn’t that much of a secret. The biggest secret involved in it is that you’ve been using it your entire life and you haven’t realized it.

Yes, it’s true! The secret law of attraction has been working in your life since you were an infant. It’s working in your life right now. Do you think you found this article by chance? Heck no! The secret law of attraction is hard at work, churning out results twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

If you want to attract more love into your life, check out this great site
Secret Law of Attraction for Romance and Riches