Monday, December 17, 2007

100 Christmas and Children's Tales- $1!!!!!!

Toinette and the Elves - Susan Coolidge
The Voyage of the Wee Red Cap. By Ruth Sawyer Durand
A Story of the Christ-Child (a German Legend for Christmas Eve) - Elizabeth Harrison
Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas - Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
Why the Chimes Rang - Raymond McAlden
The Birds'Christmas (founded on fact) - F.E. Mann
The Little Sister's Vacation - Winifred M. Kirkland
Little Wolff's Wooden Shoes - Francois Coppee, adapted and translated by Alma J. Foster
Christmas in the Alley - Olive Thorne Miller
A Christmas Star - Katherine Pyle
The Queerest Christmas - Grace Margaret Gallaher
Old Father Christmas - J.H. Ewing
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
How Christmas Came to the Santa Maria Flats - Elia W. Peattie
The Legend of Babouscka - From the Russian Folk Tale
Christmas in the Barn - F. Arnstein
The Philanthropist's Christmas - James Weber Linn
The First Christmas-Tree - Lucy Wheelock
The First New England Christmas - G.L. Stone and M.G. Fickett
The Cratchits' Christmas Dinner - Charles Dickens
Christmas in Seventeen Seventy-Six - Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
Christmas Under the Snow - Olive Thorne Miller
Mr. Bluff's Experience of Holidays - Oliver Bell Bunce
Master Sandy's Snapdragon - Elbridge S. Brooks
A Christmas Fairy - John Strange Winter
The Greatest of These - Joseph Mills Hanson
Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe - Elizabeth Harrison
Big Rattle - Theodore Goodridge Roberts


50 Children’s Christian Stories-that teach values from the Bible

Daddy the Superhero
The Window in Time
Bad Imaginary Friend
The Rumor with Furry Feet
Fat Wally and the Piggies



Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Starting and operating a successful Dating and Escort Service can
bring in $60,000 or more per year for the sharp, aggressive,
imaginative business person. The secret to success with a
business of this kind is advertising that presents your services
with a "show business" flair---while still maintaining good

To get started, you need an impressive looking application form.
Research into a number of successful operations seems to indicate
that a four-page application works well.

This should be typeset with an attractive letterhead or company
masthead on 11 by 17 inch paper, folded in half to give the
impression of a "personal file." your best paper colors are
either pale blue or ivory. The better paper stock you can afford,
the more impressive your application will be--giving a greater
aura of credibility to your business, and thus to prospective

In addition to the usual questions such as name, address,
telephone number, marital status, place of employment, hobbies,
likes and dislikes, your application should contain:

*** A short personality test which can be obtained with a bit of
research at your public library. For ideas, samples, and even
tests you can use intact, be sure to check some of the modern
women's magazines. And don't discount the idea of registering at
an already established business of this type; or possibly you can
see their application form without actually involving yourself
any further. Or inquire among friends and acquaintances who have
registered with a dating or escort service.

*** Near the end of the application, you should include a short
paragraph pointing up the fact that your organization, in
addition to bringing people together as a dating service, also
provides an escort service for out-of-town visitors and local
non-members. You then pose the question: "Would you be interested
in these kinds of dates, which would include all expenses, and a
minimum fee of $25 for what usually amounts to a very delightful
time with an interesting person. Your only obligation ever is to
be your usual charming self, and enjoy."

*** Just before or above the blank for your applicant's
signature, include a legal disclaimer to any responsibilities or
promises implied and/or not specifically stated within the

The building in which your locate: for this one, you'll need a
store-front office, and it should be in a better part of the
business district in your city. Try to select a site that is
upbeat and attractive without being"jivey"--one that would appeal
to the more conservative or mature as well as the younger
generation. Many of your clients are going to be mature, and be
reminded, the mature, intelligent sector of our society
is"getting younger" and more vigorous,"still interested in
life"more than in years past. In other words, the section where
you locate should reflect a modern attitude, but with solid

The reception area of your office should be large and comfortable
with as expensive a look as you can manage. Your receptionist is
very important--very. She should be attractive, with a vivacious
and outgoing personality. She should be able to quickly put your
prospective clients at ease, and generally make them feel that
belonging to your group is going to be the beginning of happier
times, fun, and lasting friendships.

You should have at least two expensive looking picture scrapbooks
on the coffee table in your reception room. These you can fill
with portrait or candid shots of members and clients. These
pictures can pose a problem for you while you are in the
beginning stages--so don't hesitate to gather pictures of various
relatives, friends who are not necessary located in your area--or
even visit a nearby campus and ask if you can take pictures of
some of the best looking men and women. You will need to get a
release signed by each one, and you simply explain that you are
putting together a picture display book of terrific looking
people in your area for the promotion of your business, and their
names and any other information will not be publicized or

After your prospective client has filled out the application, the
next step is a personal interview. Your office should be cozy and
comfortable, but business-like, and you should arrange for
uninterrupted time in complete privacy with each person.

You should use the interview to go over the application, answer
any questions, and close the membership sale. you also use this
interview as the basis of your estimate of the kind of person
most likely to match this client. Be empathetic with your
clients; you are going to meet people who are tired of the
"dating game" as it is usually played out in the singles bars and
unproductive groups they had joined before. You might get added
help in the area of interviewing by writing for advertising
material and brochures from similar services in other areas,
adapting any techniques you like to your on interviewing process.

Most escort services we looked into publish a monthly newsletter
with tidbits of information and gossip about members. Who's doing
what; job changing; who's travelling where; plus a listing of
upcoming events and activities. Listing the names of new members
is also a good idea, and quotes from members who are active and
enjoying the service. Some of these newsletters feature"girl and
guy of the month" with lots of pictures-"on the town", involved
in hobbies at home, and candid shots in everyday life. Usually,
the escort service itself will sponsor an "all membership" party
about once every three months to introduce other members and
project a sense of "family" and belonging.

As we said earlier, advertising is the key to your success with
this project. A small classified ad, run for about a week in the
"Personals" column of your area newspaper,should start the ball
rolling for you. Some ideas for pulling inquires from men might
read like this: "Career woman, new to the area,seeking dates with
honest, fun-loving guys. Call Barbara 123-4567," or, "Young
recent divorcee ready to start dating again Call Linda at

And for attracting inquires from women: "Young business executive
wants to meet eligible ladies. Call Ron at 345-6789," or, "Active
and ambitious young man wants to meet wholesome, All-American
kind of girl. Call Brain at 456-7890."

At the time you have an ad this type running, you'll want to have
a bulletin board ads and notices on all the college campuses, in
as many company newspapers as you can get into, and where ever
people are most likely to take notice. This ad should be a
straight advertisement inviting people to "get out of the rat
race" of the singles game by joining your organization. You'll of
course emphasize confidentiality, respectability, and the fact
you deal only with people who are really serious about meeting
new friends and forming lasting relationships.

Your ads soliciting new members should tell readers you'll help
them meet new friends and enjoy dates with people especially
matched to their own likes and dislikes. A sense of fun and
excitement should be conveyed, but at the same time, honesty,
respectability and trust. You cannot use flashy headlines or
pictures of models that give a connotation of an invitation into
the bedroom. write your ads from the point of view of the people
you want to sell to--build from what you believe to be their
special wants, and visualize their thinking. Put yourself in the
place of the prospective new member, and understand that it takes
a great deal of nerve, we might even call it COURAGE, to make
that move to ask for help in dating. (It is generally easier to
just let things slide along--stay in the same old "lonesome rut"
than ask for help--and risk disappointment.)

You'll have to have a "planned explanation" when people call in
answer to your ads. Quickly get the name and phone number, ask a
few questions, then set up an appointment for him or her to come
into your office. When you are in the interview, be
bright,inviting,but factual and brief--and DON'T lose control of
the conversation. Best to have your questions and answers written
out in order that works best to pull the prospect into your
office, and then follow it to the letter.

When you're ready to expand with the Escort Services, get the
word out to all the likely places where people are wanting these
services will see your ads or hear about you in friend-to-friend
conversation. Have some interesting posters made up inviting
people to call asking about your good-looking, friendly, and
charming escorts for every occasion--dinner dates, banquets,
parties, theater dates, dancing, special occasions. Try to get
one of these upon the wall at the airport, train and bus
stations, and in better hotel and motel lobbies in your
area--anywhere else that travelers are likely to notice them.

Run a regular ad in your Thursday and Fridays papers, and also in
the yellow pages of your telephone directory. Pass out business
cards to all the car rental agencies and restaurants near the
travel centers and to anyone and everyone having anything to do
with convention or tourist arrangements in your area.

You will have to experiment and test to determine the right fee
to charge for providing an escort, but with most escort services,
the minimum is $50, pus all expenses.

This is a business that will provide pleasure and profit to a
person who is outgoing, fun-loving, gregarious, but who is
sensitive to the needs of others, and enjoys seeing people "get a
new start," or seeing more reserved ones "come out of their
shells." It takes more to get started in this business than it
does for some other endeavors, but this is one that can start
small and grow, improve, and even spread to franchising size.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Single Cruises: The Best Place for Singles to find a Companion

Since there is a great demand for cruise lines, there is also a rapid increase for single travelers who would want to spend some of their precious time in the cruise. Usually, single travelers are on its peak during Valentine seasons.

During this time, single cruises will give their customers a special singles prices, exclusive singles activities and other valentine related events. Single Cruises are the best way to complete your single adventures.

It is already been a common knowledge to everyone that many singles get disappointed during the V-day. In addition, most of these people find it hard to go out every year and search for their Valentine’s Day date.

Usually, their reason is that they are too shy or do not have enough time to go out and look for a date. So, for all the singles out there who are on the verge of giving up in looking for a date, it would be better if you just save all your money and join the Single cruises.

When you are alone you are a total stranger to everyone on the single cruise, so usually other people who knows what the single cruise is for, would tend to be more comfortable and relaxed even when being surrounded by other strangers. This way, you are allowing yourself to get acquainted with other people and become more flexible and comfortable around them.

Who knows, perhaps while you are busy meeting new friends your future partner is just around the corner or he or she is just in front of you. This can be brought upon by the many activities single cruises offers for their guests.

Single cruising has already become very famous and an inexpensive way to meet new people, and many single people do vacations by themselves since it gives them the choice, privacy and provides them special and thrilling adventures with other people who could potentially be mates or at least great friends.

If you want to enjoy the hot sun, beautiful resorts and the limited rum punch, a Caribbean Single Cruise will be a great option for you. But, if you opt to being a hopeless romantic, and want to taste a glass of red wine, with the full moon beckoning you, then a European Single Cruise will be better for you. Whatever it is that you want, there will always be a Single cruise that will suit you best.

All you just have to do is make some research about the cruise line that provides the best single special and that will definitely suit your taste and preferences.

Here are extensive tips that can help you decide which to choose:

1. Travelers who are alone will be charged of a single rate. This is because most cabins are designed for double occupancy, so what most cruises do is just to add for an extra charge to one person in a room. Obviously, you are not paying for a 150 - 200% additional charge, but expect it to be a bit of a pricy.

2. There are cruises that give up the additional fee during promos but will give you a room with another person. If you do not like your privacy to be invaded or if you do not want to share a room with someone, it will be good if you choose to have an additional price to have a single room only for you.

However, if you are a person that finds it more interesting to be with someone in a room, then you can always grab the promo.

3. Try to look at the broadsheet or in the internet to know if there are still available single cruises in which you could join. There are instances that a cruise is pre-booked by a Singles Organization that allows only their members to join the cruise. However, most of these organizations are also allowing non-member singles to join with them, but with a pricier tag than those who are members of the organization.

Though you will be able to join such groups, you will still be traveling as a single. The good thing about joining them is that you would be able to meet other single persons. You do not have to be doubtful when joining such group, since they are just like you – single cruisers, who are in deep search for companionship and love.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Safe Internet Dating Tips - Taking it to the Streets wants to protect our members and provide a service that is safe to use, so we've created a safe internet dating video.

Instead of a boring video, we went and talked to a bunch of people on the streets of Chicago with questions about internet dating tips.

If you were wondering about online dating, then watch our internet safe dating video.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

One Night Stand

A womanizing man plans an escape from his latest partner's bedroom.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Dating Advice for Ladies - 3 points

Hope this is helpful, ladies! Tried and true.
Love your MaryAnne
Pt.1 - Keep it positive!
Pt.2 - Watch what you eat & drink
Pt.3 - Watch how you're dressed!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Causing Pain: Real Stories of Dating Abuse and Violence

This 2006 Emmy nominated film about teen dating abuse and violence shows real teens telling their stories of dating abuse and violence. The film describes how dating abuse and violence starts, how it progresses, how the abuser acts, and how to recognize it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Change Your Life with 12 Simple Rules

Wow, I wish this book had been around when I was younger.  It sounds as if it would have saved me a lot of time, trouble and sorrows.

I’ve always been a shy person and had a very difficult time talking with anyone, let alone guys!

This book sounds great for anyone who needs extra help dealing confidently with the opposite sex!

12 Simple Rules for Success in Love, Life and Online Dating

  • How easy is for you to start a conversation with an attractive stranger?

    Has it ever happened to you - you saw the man/woman of your dreams but you didn't know how to make them notice you and you lost them forever? Wish you knew how to start a conversation in the way they INSTANTLY liked you? Page 37 of the book demonstrates how you can do it - painlessly, surely and with grandiose success, and tells you what is THE VERY BEST starter for approaching cute strangers (both men and women). You can use it in ANY situation and you will NEVER be rejected.

  • Ever had a problem finding a topic to talk about on your first date?

    I will show you the technique that has virtually 100% success rate and unless your date is in the middle of a diarrhea attack, you can have them chatting away for HOURS! Page 54 of the book explains to you exactly HOW to do it.

  • Would you like to have more confidence?

    I will teach you a five-minute technique that will give your confidence an instant boost - all you need to do is simply write down a few lines! Pages 10 to 12 give you step-by-step guidance on using this technique along with practical and fully usable examples.

It actually sounds like I could even make use of the techniques here for a lot of other situations also.

Hmmm, it does say that "ANY person who can read and write (which is what you are doing right now) CAN master '12 Simple Rules' and dramatically change his or her life in 60 days or less"

Well, I'm up for changing my life, how about you

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Make Your Single Life Sensational

“There is a ‘right way’ and a ‘wrong way’ to pursue happiness when you’re single. I’ve seen this happen over and over again
with my friends, and I have made the same mistake myself...”
author Karin J. MacKenzie

“Every young woman should read this book.”
-- Dr. R.C. Gilkie, Halifax, N.S.

At last. A book for women that goes beyond the traditional dating manual advice and offers simple, key steps to creating a great life filled with friendships, romance and joy!

Only $19.95 - Order Here!

A terrific life can be yours for the asking

Dear friend,

If you’re single, chances are you’re trying to ‘correct’ that status and find someone special with whom to spend your life. Maybe you’ve been dating casually without spectacular results. Perhaps your social life could use a boost.

If you’ve been out there looking for ‘the one’, I hate to break the news that you’ve probably been making a lot of classic mistakes that are actually repelling romance and keeping your single life flat, rather than fabulous. My new book has a proven blueprint for success that will quickly show you how to transform yourself into a vital, attractive woman with new friends and new hobbies, and attract more romantic attention toward yourself. Get ready to live the life you’ve always wanted, and be happier than you ever imagined!

Karin J. MacKenzie

Friday, June 8, 2007

Becoming Irresistible to Men

Bring More Love... More Romance...
More Passion into Your Relationship
Learn How to Drive Your Man Wild

"Now You Can Make Men Want You...

Make Men Love You...

Make Men Enslaved by Desire For You!"

Every Woman's Guide to
Becoming Irresistible to Men

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Romantic Proposals

Guys, once you have attracted that wonderful girl of your dreams into your life.  Propose to her in a wonderful romantic way.  Did you know that when asked, 80% of women, were disappointed with how their special guy proposed to them.  Make sure that when you ask that special lady in your life to be your wife, that you do it in the most romantic way! 

Marriage Proposal Ideas  

"Ironically, most of the disappointed fiancees said that their beloved had spent over $300 on the marriage proposal (not counting the ring.) So it is obvious that limos and fancy dinners aren't what makes a proposal romantic and memorable.

If you are thinking of getting engaged, you probably want to do it right. You want it to be amazingly special. Something she or he will want to share with everyone.

Michael Webb is one of the world's leading experts on romance. He is often asked for advice on putting together an out of this world marriage proposal. He's  got a number of tips to share with you. Here's the first one.

Marriage proposals don't have to cost a fortune. In fact, the best ones usually don't.

Michael ran a contest recently, searching for the world's most romantic proposal stories. Hundreds of newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations announced it. Over 7,300 entries poured in from around the world - 9% of the proposals were by females (yes, it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to pop the question - in fact, guys are really flattered when that happens).

You know what?

The grand prize winning marriage proposal cost the guy less than $20."

Monday, June 4, 2007

You want to know a SECRET??

Well the secret law of attraction really isn’t that much of a secret. The biggest secret involved in it is that you’ve been using it your entire life and you haven’t realized it.

Yes, it’s true! The secret law of attraction has been working in your life since you were an infant. It’s working in your life right now. Do you think you found this article by chance? Heck no! The secret law of attraction is hard at work, churning out results twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

If you want to attract more love into your life, check out this great site
Secret Law of Attraction for Romance and Riches

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Easy romantic ideas

Keep that spark alive! Whether you are dating, living together, in a long-term relationship, or happily married, keep the interest going, so that your partner does not feel neglected. This great new site tells you how, and best of all, it's FREE! It's called easy romantic ideas.
Take a peek!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Romantic Ideas

IDEA # 1
If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.
IDEA # 2
Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!
IDEA # 3
On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet.
Attach a card that says:
“I will love you until the last rose fades.”
IDEA # 4
Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available for example Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page. 101 Romantic Ideas
IDEA # 5
Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying
“In this mirror you will see the image of
the most beautiful woman in the world.”
IDEA # 6
Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a love letter. For example in the following exert from a novel, the underlined letters come together to spell out the secret message "I love you"
The palace was a labyrinth, their passage through it tortuous and interminable. Initially they passed from building to building under the sodden sky. Steve's feet ached; he might have laughed at himself, the tireless traveler, grown too soft from his months in the city to walk any proper distance. Abruptly the guards halted.
The underlined letters will make your partner curious and with a bit of luck she will write them down. Spend time to encode a proper message such as "Dear Belinda, I love you honey"
IDEA # 7
Have flowers delivered to your partner's workplace. She will not only enjoy the flowers but will also receive comments and attention from her office mates which will add to her enjoyment. 101 Romantic Ideas
IDEA # 8
While walking with your partner on a weekend getaway, pick up a smooth stone and say that you're going to keep it as a special memento of your trip. Later, have a message such as
"I Love Rebecca"
engraved into the stone by a jeweler and give it to your partner.
IDEA # 9
Drive into the country, find a grassy hill and lie with your partner and look up at the clouds.
Play the kid’s game of looking for shapes in the cloud formations.
IDEA # 10
Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write "I Love You" inside a heart.
Next get a large formal envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a formal address label of your partner's work such as:
For the immediate and urgent attention of:
Rebecca Jones
Level 20
Collins & Smith Solicitors
New York
Mail it to your partner so she receives it in the middle of a busy day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Great Aspen Resort Ski Vacations

When you think of all the romantic ski resorts in the world one
of them stands out in your mind. Aspen offers a
variety of ski areas for all levels and it covers
4,500 acres or more spread over four mountains.
This resort is known for its night life because of the
downtown area and the quieter Snowmass resort area
has something to offer everyone.

Aspen provides all the restaurants and bars you
could ever want or need You can take a stroll
through this luxurious city and find many boutiques
and much more. There is a lot of history in many of
the buildings that are in the downtown area. One of
these buildings is the Ute bank; this building can be
dated back to the silver area around the 1800’s.

With everything that there is to do in Aspen you
shouldn’t find yourself getting bored. Aspen is
located in Colorado, and with the various mountain
ranges, you are sure to find slopes that are suitable
for your level. Snowmass is one of the most popular
resorts in the world, so be sure to make reservations
well in advance.

Monday, May 14, 2007 middle east news information::Carol Samaha and Marwan Khouri’s romance middle east news information::Carol Samaha and Marwan Khouri’s romance

t wasn’t enough for Lebanese singer Carol Samaha to be in a romantic duet song “Ya Rab” with Marwan Khouri, she also joined him swinging in the air in her video clip. At three meters high the two singers were hanging in the air by ropes on a nice yet cold spring day.carol

The two singers were not allowed to show any signs of fear hanging in the air filming their romantic song; which demanded lots of emotions. Who is better than Samaha and Khouri to film such a passionate song?!

The filming of the video clip took place in Al Biqa in an area called Tarshish in Lebanon. The place had added a nice touch to the romantic song, which was produced by the French producer Terri Fern. The producer put a question mark on Samaha flirty style when he showed her in “Ra’lani” video clip where in this clip she was freer.

There were no tensions making this video clip both singers had an easy and fun time making it; however this was Khouri’s first time working with a different producer other than his brother Claude Khouri.

Marwan had an easy time working with the French producer. After meeting with him the French producer had a full understanding of Khour’s style.

Even though the two singers had previously worked together; Marwan expects the duet between the two will start gossip of the two of having a romantic relationship. Samaha and Khouri previously sang three songs together they were; “Itala’ Feyeh,” (Look at me) “Habibi Albi” (My Dear) and “Keef Tensani” (How can you forget me?)

Marwan revealed that he wrote the song because he loved the lyrics and liked the idea. However, Carol was not on his mind when he first started writing the song, only after he was done with writing and composing the song he thought Carol will be a great candidate for the song. Not until then he had called her and asked Samaha to be part of this romantic duet.

This wasn’t Khouri’s first duet; he had a previously worked on a duet with the female singer Basima in 1997. The two sang “Kasak Habibi,” he also sang “Khayal Al Omer” with another unknown singer.

On the other hand this is Carol’s first experience singing a duet.

This clip was produced by Rotana, which spent a large budget to make it a huge success. One of the best scenes in this clip is Carol dancing bare footed. The song will be aired exclusively on the music channel Rotana.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How Compatible Are You?

How compatible are you really with the one you love?  These are subjects we don't normally talk about because we think we know our partner, the love of our life.  Do you know his/her past? 

Men are more apt to keep things from women because they simply think it is not important, and women want to know everything about them.  Men tend to live in the present and could care less about the past.

There is a questionaire that couples can take to find out if they are compatible.  I think it would be interesting and fun for all partners to find out just how little they know about their mate.

To take the test go to:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where Did the Love Go?

Have you ever been so in love that you knew that nothing could change the way you felt?  I mean you were so head-over-heels in love that you saw everything through those wonderful rose-colored glasses of love?

You know, I sure felt that way when I fell in love with my husband-to-be!  In fact, I had never felt so good in my life! 

However, things change.  You probably knew that!  But, I totally ignored the good advice that our pre-martial counselor gave to us.  He said that our feeling of 'being in love' would actually fade after we had been married for awhile and then he went over some things that we could do to help 'bring back the love'. 

Uff da! (I thought) - I knew for a fact that I would never, ever feel anything but love for my husband!  Boy, what a goof ball I was!  LOL - but, hey, what did I know at this point?

Well, I did learn quickly, as I'm sure that some of you have too -  that, yes, my feelings can change, even towards my husband!  But, I also learned that there are certain things that you can do to 'bring back the love' into your marriage relationship.

Here's just a few ideas for those of you who would like to recapture those wonderful feelings you first had when you 'fell in love'.

-Take time out each day, even just for 2 minutes, to focus on what you appreciate about your spouse and be sure to tell them!

-Be sure to touch your spouse sweetly and often!

-Find out what your spouse's 'love language' is and express your love in a way that will touch their heart.

Remember, if you are now feeling 'out of love' with your spouse, there was a time and place when you were deeply 'in love'.  If your feelings changed, then can always change back again with a little help and focus. 

Take heart,


Friday, April 6, 2007


The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Romance is certainly no exception.


If your Romance facts are out-of-date, how will that affect your actions and decisions? Make certain you don't let important Romance information slip by you.

The ultimate and perfect relationship is something that most of us dream of. So many of us yearn to be that perfect woman, that every man will fall in love with, and constantly visualize that fairytale romance and the rest of our life with our perfect soul mate.

Why then doesn't it always happen that way with so many of us wondering how we find the right man, why do we always end up in a failing relationship or why doesn't he call.

Relationships are so frustrating leaving us stressed, distraught and confused, never quite knowing what we have done wrong and wondering what he see in her rather than us.

You see those women who always have their man, have great relationships and can have the pick of the crop. Their relationships are always perfect, full of excitement with great men and the ideal life. Why do some women have such a perfect relationship and a perfect life when others have to suffer relationships that are dull, unfulfilling, boring or even non existent? Don?t you just wish you could really understand men?

Don?t despair, did you know that as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, you have the power at you finger tips to make men fall in love with you, make men want to spend the rest of their lives with you, influence the way they think and persuade them to give you want your heart desires.

If you find it difficult to attract the right man, sustain a relationship, keep the interest of your partner or persuade the love of your life to get down on one knee don?t despair, all women have the power to get their man by learning how to be their selves and focusing on their individuality.

Have you noticed that women who attract men like magnets aren't necessarily beautiful, in fact many a beautiful women never attracts the perfect man, just the ones that can?t see beyond the cover and are quick to dump their trophies at the drop of a hat. Many of these women are never loved for who they are but purely for what they look like and once the looks go then they can kiss their marriage goodbye.

The women who attract their "perfect" man aren't necessarily the most beautiful they are women who feel comfortable about themselves, know how to present the assets that they have and know how to please their man.

The ability to attract the right man is a learned skill, not something you are just born with, not some magical attraction that can only happen if you that ?other? person, it?s an art but a learned art that will enable YOU to attract and keep your dream man.

Men might not admit it but they want to be lured, seduced and possessed by their women and will happily give anything to the women that makes him feel special, good about himself and totally fulfilled.

When word gets around about your command of Romance facts, others who need to know about Romance will start to actively seek you out.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Ole to Romance!

My parents were going out of town for a week so I decided to do something special for my boyfriend. He has always talked about going to Cancun so I figured I would make a candle light dinner and have a Mexican theme

I went to the store and purchased everything I thought was right for the occasion and for dinner I purchased Mexican food. On the way out I saw a Mexican sombrero and the what I would call the carpet to sit on.  I thought: "Wow that would finish the touch!"

When I got home I started dinner, and then went up to take a shower.  Finally it was time.  The doorbell rang and in he walked in shock.  We sat and had a few margarita's.  Then I put dinner on the table and we started eating . If i may say so myself it was great

After dinner we had our dessert..  He looked at me and said  " This is the most romantic dinner I have ever had.  He kissed me and then we went in the living room and listened to music.

Well all I can say is I did a great job of creating a romantic dinner and atmosphere.  The night was the best I had in a long time.


Hawaiian surprise

My parents went out for the weekend and I decided to do something totally out of character for my boyfriend.  This was gonna be the first time we were actually alone in a month or so. 

I started by going to the store buying his favorite dinner desert and candles.  I figured I was gonna go all out.  When I got home I picked up the house.  Then I thought he has always wanted to go to a tropical island.  So back to the store I went .  I purchased things to make the house seem like we were in Hawaii.  I purchased lei's, a grass skirt and the works.  I was so excited about the event.

When I got home I put everything in place, then went up and took a shower.  Got dressed in my lei,  and by then dinner was ready.  Of course it was Hawaiian food. 

Then the time came.  The doorbell rang and In he walked.  He was totally shocked.  We sat down to a candle lit dinner with some Hawaiian music playing.  After dinner i fed him his Hawaiian dessert then we sat and talked for awhile.  It was the best time I ever had. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dreaming about Macca

Had a dream about Paul McCartney last night. No, not a romantic or sexy dream. A dream that we had an estate and that his estate was next door, and our families became friends. His living room was AWESOME to say the least, but surprisingly had no Beatles memorabilia whatsoever!

Paul was the "Cute Beatle" whom the girls especially adored. He is the one who has done the best in his life. he is one of the richest people in Britain, despite having to pay Heather Mills out the yin-yang for their brief marriage. The true love of his life was Linda Eastman, whom most people at the time he married her thought was a rebound romance, but who stood the test of time and all the challenges of being famous.

His musical career only got better with Wings, the group he and Linda founded.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Attention all Men!!!

"You’re About To Learn Secrets
That Most Men (And Women)
Will Never Know About
The Female G-Spot And
How A Few Simple Techniques
Will Allow You To Give Her
Mind Numbing, Leg Shaking Orgasms..."


Friday, January 12, 2007

A Woman's Guide to Writing a Great Profile

OK…the time has come. You have joined an online dating service or two. Now you must write that all-important profile… the one that will attract attention and reel in the man of your dreams… but where to start? Maybe writing isn’t even something you think you do all that well. Even so, you can do this.

The first thing is to be absolutely honest about yourself. You are looking for that man who will like…maybe someday love…YOU….THE REAL YOU! Examine past relationships and list the things that you liked and the things you did not like. If he smoked in the house and you hated it, you won’t like it any better the next time. If you love cats and will always want to own one or more, say that you are an animal lover and want indoor pets. Someone who hates cats or is allergic to them is not the guy for you.

Accent the things that make you unique. If you play the piano well, you really want Mr. Right to appreciate it. If you run in marathons, a couch potato is not a good match. If you love art, you really don’t want a man who thinks Picasso is an ice cream flavor.

Describe the things that are vital in your life. If volunteering is the one thing that makes you feel useful and worthwhile, you want someone who would, at the very least, support you if not join you in your volunteer projects. When you get beyond superficial things, you will attract men who share your values.

Invest in your online profile by hiring a professional photographer for your first online picture. This is so important. The picture is the FIRST thing men see. The second thing is that they read what you have written about yourself. Some online dating sites even provide you with a list of photographers in your area that specialize in online dating site photos.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Pay Day Loans EXPOSED!!! Don't fall into this trap!

Pay Day loans may seem like a boon and a blessing to you when your paycheck doesn’t stretch until the end of the month, or when an emergency comes up. But, in the long run Pay Day loans are a bane and a burden to most borrowers who take one out. They can ruin your credit, too!

You work hard for your money. The last thing you need is to fall into a trap set by a predatory lender to drain you of your hard-earned cash.

Don’t let yourself be tricked by some slick advertising into entering a nightmare of ever-increasing debt!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Online Flirting A New Art Form

Many of the same things work for online flirting that work for brick and mortar flirting and all relationships begin with successful flirting. Flirting is an art that requires oozing confidence without being OTT. If you go too far, she will label you slimy If you don’t go far enough, she will label you wimpy. So how do you achieve that point half way between slimy and wimpy and do it online without using eye contact or body language? All you have is a computer an internet connection and membership in an online dating site, right?
1. Have fun! Be light-hearted, funny and entertaining. Make her eager to talk to you again. Flirting is playful.
2. Ooze confidence. Successful flirts have a positive outlook on life. You need to transmit the feel good factor. An optimistic attitude attracts females like honey attracts flies.
3. Compliment her and do it often and sincerely. Nothing opens doors like making her feel good about herself. She will want to spend more time with you and if she pays you a compliment say thank you. Do Not be self depreciating.
4. Listen,listen, listen. Pay attention to what she says and ask appropriate questions. Get her to open up and talk about herself. Make her feel like she is interesting and that you are interested in her. Works wonders!
5. Don’t be rude. Flirting does not include being sexually explicit nor taking offence if the lady isn’t responding to you. If she isn’t interested, take the hint and move on to the next prospect. If you get a lot of rejections, you should probably consider a different approach.
6. Send an email after you chat. This ranks right up there with sending a thank you note for a gift and it is vital to successful flirting.
Don’t try to go too fast. Flirting is the first step to a successful relationship.